

Concerts for Voice, piano, video art
& guests

Sometimes you can see music - in the KLÁRI project, for example. In these unique concert programs, we use specially created video art to complement the music with another "voice". The films are thus given their own function and weave their own image in movement and color. Each one is different, following the respective composition. Together they grow into a strong, new work of art. 

KLÁRI - the name of the project commemorates the lyricist Klára Gombossy. It was she who rescued Béla Bartók from his creative crisis, who gave him back the energy to compose - and who inspired him to write his cycle op. 15, with which our project began.

More video material on request at: info[at]

from the program Klári-Suite
GORECH! GORECH! von Peter Eötvös

Concerts for Voice, Piano, VideoArt
& Guests

Sometimes you can see music - in the KLÁRI project, for example. Because in these unique concert programs, video art is used as a separate voice alongside the music - it has its own function. Movement and colors weave their image, each in a different way, following the respective composition. Together they grow into a powerful work of art.

KLÁRI - the name of the project commemorates the lyricist Klára Gombossy. It was she who rescued Béla Bartók from his creative crisis, who gave him back the energy to compose - and who inspired him to write his cycle op. 15, with which our project began.

from the program Klári-Suite
GORETCH! GORETCH! by Peter Eötvös

About us

Sarah van der Kemp
.voice .concept
Robert Pflanz
.Video art
Saule Moldakulova
.management .equipment


Stefanie Schuster posed the questions

An Sarah
.How the project came about
To Robert
.Rearranging the world in vision and sound
To Saule
.Turban oder Baskenmütze?

Klári 1

Klári - Suite

Chamber Concert For Voice, Piano. Video
& flute


Voice, Piano

5 Songs op. 15 

1. A vágyak éjele
(Night of Desire)  

2. Szines álomban
(In a colourful dream)

3. Nyár

4. Itt lent a völgyben
(Down in the valley)

5. Az én szerelmem
(My love)


Outdoors No. 4

Sounds of the night


Piano Solo:

Piano Étude Nr. 2 


Voice, piano, flute:


Nr. 1 Asie

Nr. 2  The Magic Flute

Voice Solo:

Gorech’! Gorech’!
(Bitterness! Bitterness!)

Flute Solo:

8 aşa-zise studii din traista fluieraşului călător

(8 etudes from the satchel of the wandering minstrel)


Yejin Gil
Sarah van der Kemp
.voice .concept
Robert Pflanz .video art
Aaron Dan .composer .flute

For the concert program KLÁRI-SUITE for voice, piano and video, the Villa Elisabeth in Berlin was transformed into a meeting place for the arts.

The term "suite" can be understood not only as the musical genre concept of a sequence of character pieces, but also - analogous to the suite of the same name - as the sequence of sonic spaces to be experienced. In the video projection, another space opens up that adds an independent contribution to the interpretation of the music.

Programmatically, Béla Bartók's Five songs  op. 15 (Klári-Songs) become the nucleus of an exploration of the entire range of passion between creative and destructive, intoxicating and ecstatic power.

Klári - Songs

Béla Bartók's Five Songs op. 15 (Klári-Songs) confront us with all the highs and lows of a young woman's intoxicating longings for love. In the posthumously published first edition by his son Peter Bartók, this cycle ends with the song Itt lent a völgyben (Down in the valley), the only song marked by hopelessness, loneliness and resignation. This sequence of songs tells a love story that ends in failure.
Bartók himself had laid down a different order in his manuscript, which convinced Sarah van der Kemp far more and inspired the KLÁRI SUITE project:
Bartók emphasises the cyclical change of emotional states. The Klári-Songs begin in the dark of night with the song A vágyak éjjele (Night of Desire), which describes the longing for love through the unsteady ups and downs of passionate emotions and erotic dreams. All five songs are assigned to times of day. Songs two to five, moreover, are also seasons, with temperature and weather conditions being related to the feelings of longing for love. Similar to Bartók's opera one-act and relationship drama Duke Bluebeard's Castle the song cycle begins in darkness and has its brightest and hottest (in the opera, most dramatic) climax at the dividing point of the golden section. (Song No. 3 Summer: „Offenen Mundes trink‘ ich die Sonnenfluten, der flammende Himmel stürzt auf mich herab!“) In the opera, the circle is closed by the return to darkness, the relationship has failed. In the In five songs, op. 15 reihen sich die facettenreich dargestellten Liebesgefühle in das Werden und Vergehen der Natur ein. Bartók beendet den Zyklus mit dem Verklingen des Klaviernachspiels bei gehaltenem Pedal im „The rapture of delight!

"We create according to nature" Béla Bartók

Bartók's interest in the connections between mathematics and nature is reflected in his music. He liked to use the proportions of the golden section or the Fibonacci number sequence. The complete programme of the KLÁRI SUITE now also follows these principles of proportion. Based on the order in Bartók's manuscript and cyclical connecting points in terms of content, the Klári songs are heard in a new order that deviates from the publisher's usual counting - accompanied by the video with a black-and-white, blurred world of mist. This is followed by three solos that present the artistic media as individual elements: First for piano Unsuk Chin's Etude No. 2 Sequences, then Peter Eötvös' bitter Goretsch! Goretsch! for solo mezzo-soprano. Finally, the increasingly colourful and insane video solo leads into two songs from Shéhérazade, Ravel's settings of texts by Tristan Klingsor, exuberant with exotic sensuality, eroticism and violence. In the works originally conceived as orchestral songs, a delightful effect is created by the rapturously colourful video projections. In the second piece, La flûte enchantée, special guest Aaron Dan takes over the part of the solo flute before the programme is reflected in a concluding cadenza, releasing the audience into their own dreams with Bartók's Sounds of the Night.

The overall dramaturgy of the programme elevates formal peculiarities from Bartók's composition to a guiding principle: the piece complexes with the circumferences 8/5/3/2/1 follow the reverse Fibonacci sequence, emotional lows and climaxes are heard at the dividing point of the Klári songs and the entire suite respectively, corresponding to the golden ratio. These proportions also determine the colour and lighting direction. The programme as a whole expands from the formal density of the Klári songs to the fantastic expanse of Shéhérazade and the finale.

Premiere: 18/09/2022

In cooperation with

At the Villa Elisabeth | Invalidenstraße 3, 10115 Berlin

Thank you for the support!

Klári 2


Chamber Concert For Voice, Piano, Video,
Flute & Cello

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